The critical, creative, qualitative, and interdisciplinary study of media.
Celebrity 'Rape-Rape': An Analysis of Feminist and Media Definitions of Sexual Violence.
Dr. Jem Tosh, (2016), Psychology of Women and Equalities Review, 18, 59-81.
In 2009 a US based television programme, The View, discussed the arrest of film director Roman Polanski. Polanski was wanted for six outstanding charges related to the rape of Samantha Gailey in 1977. During this episode of the The View, Whoopi Goldberg made a controversial statement that Polanksi was not guilty of ‘rape-rape’. This statement along with the long history of Polanski’s avoidance of incarceration, illustrates the ongoing challenges for feminists to confront the trivialization of sexual coercion and violence. Goldberg’s comments initiated an enthusiastic response on online forums and reinvigorated debates around definitions of rape. In this paper, I analyse online discussions on a feminist blog using discourse analysis (Parker, 2014) and the importance of considering the interrelated concepts of consent/non-consent, pleasure/distress and power in understanding the complexity and diversity of experiences of sexual violence.
Madness in the Whedonverse: How Mental Illness is Portrayed in the Works of Joss Whedon.
Dr. Jem Tosh, (2015) Asylum, 14-16.
I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS). As explained by Joss Whedon, the concept was deliberately conceived as a feminist reworking of horror films in which ‘bubble- headed blondes wandered into dark alleys and got murdered by some creature’. I’m not saying it is perfect, but I found it helpful to grow up alongside a cast of people who were socially excluded and felt like the weight of the world was on their shoulders. As a feminist, the show and the comics provided many examples of femininity and strength that had been lacking for sometime in media representations, as well as dealing with topics related to sexuality, sexual violence and domestic abuse. It continues to do so, with Season Eight and onwards being released solely as graphic novels...
How Does The Sun Newspaper Portray Rape?
Dr. Jem Tosh (2009), Qualitative Methods in Psychology Newsletter, 7, 5-9.
Download the summary paper or award-winning satirical conference poster by Dr. Jem Tosh - their first ever piece of research. Jem's interest in media constructions of violence started in a youth filled with horror films and heavy metal, but was taken up in academic research as an undergraduate. This article and poster are the published versions of Jem's undergraduate dissertation that won an award at the Inaugural Qualitative Methods in Psychology Conference in the UK, judged by Professor Ken Gergen.
Dr. Jem Tosh (they/she) CPsychol AFBPsS FHEA RCC
Research Interests: Media constructions of gender, sexuality, and violence. Critical discursive research, critical autoethnography and fandom, archival and historical media texts. Music, film, television, comics.
Jem is currently listening to:
Alexis Fabricius (she/she)
Research Interests: Grunge, death metal, black metal, hard core, fandom, live music, critical and interdisciplinary research.
Alexis is currently listening to: