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A critical, interdisciplinary, and qualitative journal dedicated to research, art, and writing that broadly examines the complex intersections between psychology, gender, and trauma.

Information for Authors

Aims and Scope


The Journal of Psychology, Gender, & Trauma accepts papers, commentaries, research summaries, creative pieces, and reviews regarding psychology, gender and/or trauma. It aims to promote discussion and awareness of intersecting issues related to gender (e.g. transgender, cisgender, intersex, non-binary), gender identity, gender dysphoria, violence, abuse, and rape. Intersectional and qualitative research approaches are encouraged. The journal is interdisciplinary and accepts novel and innovative forms of analysis.


Intersecting issues and subject positions beyond gender and trauma are also encouraged, such as analyses that consider race, class, sexuality and dis/ability. Commentaries or summaries of activist and community campaigns are welcomed.


The journal promotes feminist, critical and discursive psychology (other qualitative methodologies are also accepted). Academic submissions should avoid overly individualistic perspectives, and should include some critique of dominant psychological perspectives.


Submissions are encouraged from individuals at all stages of their career - and constructive feedback is provided to support and encourage writers. Accepted submissions are published in a rolling format - published as soon as they are complete.

Journal of Psychology, Gender, & Trauma accepts:


- Articles describing original research

- Theoretical or conceptual pieces

- Fiction, poetry, artwork, and photography 

- Commentaries and interviews

- Summaries of undergraduate research

- Reviews (i.e. books, conferences, events, other relevant media)

- Summaries of ongoing research or community campaigns


Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Jem Tosh 

Consulting Editors: Dr. Lucy Thompson and Dr. Jessica Drakett 

Book Reviews Editor: Diana Kuhl 

Creative Works Editor: Krista Carson 

Undergraduate Submissions Editor: Vacant (interested in this position? Send us an email)

Community Action and Activism Editor: Vacant (interested in this position? Send us an email)


Author Guidelines


1. All academic/research submissions will be peer-reviewed.

2. Academic/research submissions should be sent to the editor as an email attachment (Word or Pages document). Please remove identifying details from the submission (i.e. names of authors or author's publications cited in the reference list), and include a separate document with title, list of authors and contact details.

3. Academic/research submissions should use the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing.

4. Authors should avoid using sexist, racist, classist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic or biphobic language.


Copyright: Authors retain ownership of their material and can reproduce their article in full on any platform or format (e.g. a book chapter, a blog post etc.) with a statement crediting the original publication in the Journal of Psychology, Gender, & Trauma. Open Access work published in the journal is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Work can be shared but credit must be given to the author and journal (e.g. if using content from an article include a citation with the author and journal details) and the work must not be changed, altered, or misrepresented. Subscription Access work may be used for research, teaching, and study purposes. Dissemination, reproduction, reselling, or significant redistribution is not allowed. Content can be cited and quoted with credit to the author and journal given. When citing or quoting Open Access or Subscription Access work from the Journal of Psychology, Gender, & Trauma, the author and work must not be significantly altered or misrepresented in any way. Any opinions and views expressed in the works published in the journal are the opinions and views of the authors. The journal acknowledges that in academic analyses multiple and often contradictory views are expressed on a wide range of topics. Therefore, it is assumed that readers of the journal are aware that views other than the ones published in this journal are available and that it is up to the reader to evaluate and supplement their reading. 


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British Columbia, Canada

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