In this post Dr. Jem Tosh (they/she) talks about the diagnosis of 'gender dysphoria' as well as the lived experience of embodied and subjective gendered distress. They also outline some of the problems with the psychiatric concept, and discuss aspects of gender nonconformity that often left out of psychological perspectives, such as gender euphoria.
Currently the diagnosis of 'gender dysphoria' is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM) - the text that most psychologists and psychiatrists refer to when diagnosing people or when using diagnostic terms as a part of their practice (not all do though - myself included). It's a highly debated text, with lots of disagreement since its inception and even protests by people both inside and outside of the 'psy professions' (e.g. psychotherapy, psychoanalysis...). Trying to decide what is 'normal' and what is not in an ever-changing, complex, and diverse world is not an easy endeavour, and some argue that it's not even a worthwhile one. On the other hand, some find that having their experiences validated and recognised by being published in an authoritative text very useful and affirming.
What is Gender Dysphoria? (Download)
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